- 10306
- 积分
- 299
- 威望
- 4658
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- 500
- 激情
- 19
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- 在线时间
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- 注册时间
- 2004-8-16
- 积分
- 299
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发表于 2004-10-13 22:22:52
姓名 琚诒光 性别 男 出生年月 1964年7月21日 籍贯 安徽省桐城市 民族 汉族 职称 教授 工作单位 工程力学系 专业专长 极限燃烧 通讯地址 清华大学工程力学系 邮政编码 100084 电话 6278-4116 E-mail yju@Tsinghua.edu.cn
1986年7月 清华大学工程力学系工程热物理专业 本科 1988年7月 清华大学工程力学系工程热物理专业 硕士 1994年3月 日本东北大学工学部机械第2专业 aa博士
1994年4月 日本东北大学流体科学研究所 助教 1995年5月 日本东北大学流体科学研究所 讲师 1998年6月 日本东北大学工学部 副教授 1999年6月 美国普林斯顿大学机械航空系 兼职研究员 2000年9月 清华大学工程力学系 aaaaaa教授
AWARDS Nov. 1995 Fluid Science Research Award by the Fluid Science Foundation for Contribution on the study of "Ignition and Combustion in Supersonic Flows" by Yiguang Ju
Nov. 1996 Best Presentation Award by the Director of the Institute of Fluid Science of Tohoku University for a paper "Numerical Simulation of Flame Holding in Supersonic Flow Using A Preburner" by S.Tabejamaat, Y. Ju and T. Niioka
May, 1999 ASPACC Young Investigators Award by the Award Committee of the First Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion for excellent paper on the "NOx Formation Mechanism of Counterflow Diffusion Flame Burning Methane in Highly Preheated Air" by Y. Ju
May 1999 Best Paper Award by Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences for an excellent paper "Numerical Study of Detonation Initiation by a Supersonic Sphere"by Y. Ju and A. Sasoh
Jan. 2000 李嘉诚基金会长江学者奖励计划
Research Interests:
1. Flammability Limit, Super Lean Combustion and Microgravity Combustion 2. Combustion in micro-scale 3. Supersonic Combustion, Detonation and Pulse Detonation 4. Flame Instability and Combustion at High Pressure 5. Chemical kinetics and reduced chemistry 6. Flame Dynamics, Flame Radiation, NOx/CO2 Emission Control 7. Fire Safety 8. Turbulent
Premixed Flames International Collaborations
1. Tohoku University (Japan) 2. Akita Prefecture University (Japan) 3. IshikawajimaHalima (IHI) Institute (Japan) 4. Princeton University (USA) 5. University of South California (USA) 6. Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion (Russia)
1. "Reduced Kinetic Mechanism of Ignition for Nonpremixed Hydrogen/Air aa in A Supersonic Mixing Layer", Combusiton and Flame, 99(1994), 240- aa 246. Y. Ju and T. Niioka 2. "Lower-Upper Scheme for Chemically Reacting Flow with Finite Rate aa Chemistry", AIAA Journal, 33(1995), 1418-1425. Y. Ju 3. "Ignition Simulation of Methane/Hydrogen Mixtures in A Supersonic aa Mixing Layer", Combustion and Flame, 102(1995), 462-470. Y. Ju and aa T. Niioka 4. "Asymptotic and Numerical Analyses of Ignition of A Fuel Jet in A aa Supersonic Airstream", Combustion Science and Technology, 108(1995), aa 47-65. Y. Ju 5. "Experimental Study on Methane-Air Premixed Flame Extinction at Small aa Stretch Rates in Microgravity", Proc. Combustion Institute, Vol.26, aa pp.1283-1289, 1996. K. Maruta, M. Yoshida, Y. Ju and T.Niioka 6. "Radiation Extinction Limit of Counterflow Premixed Lean Methane-Air aa Flames", Combustion and Flame, 109(1997), 639-646. H. Guo, Y. Ju, K. aa Maruta, T. Niioka and F. Liu 7. "Flame Bifurcations and Flammable Regions of Radiative Counterflow aa Premixed Flames with General Lewis Numbers", Combustion and Flame, aa 113:603-614, 1998. Y. Ju, H. Guo, K. Maruta and T. Niioka 8. "Numerical Simulation of Secondary Combustion of Hydrogen Injected aa from Preburner into Supersonic Airflow", AIAA Journal, Vol.35, No.9, aa p.1441-1447, 1997. S. Tabejamaat, Y. Ju and T. Niioka 9. "Extinction of Low-Stretched Diffusion Flame in Microgravity", aa Combustion and Flame, Vol.112:181-187, 1998. K. Maruta, M. Yoshida, aa H. Guo, Y. Ju and T. Niioka 10."Computation of NOx Emission of A Methane-Air Diffusion Flame in A aa Two-Dimensional Laminar Jet with Detailed Chemistry", Combustion aa Theory and Modelling, Vol.1, No.3, p.243-258, 1997. Y. Ju and T. aa Niioka 11."On the Extinction Limit and Flammability Limit of Non-Adiabatic aa Stretched Methane-Air Premixed Flames", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, aa 342(1997), 315-334. Y.Ju, H. Guo, K. Maruta and F. Liu 12."Numerical Investigation of CH4/CO2/Air and CH4/CO2/O2 Counterflow aa Premixed Flames with Radiation Reabsorption", Combustion Science and aa Technology, 135(1998), 49-64. H. Guo, Y. Ju, K. Maruta, T. Niioka and aa F. Liu 13."Non-Grey Gas Radiative Transfer Analyses Using the Statistical aa Narrow-Band Model", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, aa 41(1998),2227-2236. F. Liu, O.L. Gulder, G.J. Smallwood and Y. Ju 14."Effects of Radiative Emission and Absorption on the Propagation and aa Extinction of Premixed Gas Flames", Proc. Combustion Institute, aa Vol.27, 1998, 2619-2626. Y. Ju and G. Masuya, P. D. Ronney 15."Further Examinations on Extinction and Bifurcations of Radiative aa CH4/Air and C3H8/Air Premixed Flames", Proc. Combustion Institute, aa Vol.27, 1998, 2551-2557. Y. Ju and G. Masuya, F. Liu, H. Guo, K. aa Maruta and T. Niioka 16."Lewis Number Effect on Extinction Characteristics of Radiative aa Counterflow CH4-O2-N2-He Flames", Proc. Combustion Institute, Vol.27, aa 1998, 2611-2617. K. Maruta, Y. Ju, A. Honda and T. Niioka 17."Vorticity Generation and Flame Distortion Induced by Shock Flame aa Interaction", Proc. Combustion Institute, Vol.27, 1998, 735-741. aa Y. Ju, M. Shimano and I. Osamu 18."Numerical Analysis on Ignition of Fuel Droplet Array in Hot aa Stagnant Air", Proc. Combustion Institute, Vol.27, 1998, 1959-1966. aa M. Goto, Y. Ju and T. Niioka 19."Numerical and Theoretical Studies on Detonation Initiation by a aa Supersonic Projectile", Proc. Combustion Institute, Vol.27, 1998, aa 2225-2231. Y. Ju, G. Masuya and A. Sasoh 20."Combined Effects of Radiation, Flame Curvature, and Stretch on aa the Extinction and Bifurcations of Cylindrical CH4/Air Premixed aa Flame", Combustion and Flame, Vol.116, 580-592,(1999). Y. Ju, H. aa Matsumi, K. Takita and G. Masuya 21."Effects of the Lewis Number and Radiative Heat Loss on the aa Bifurcation and Extinction of CH4/O2-N2-He Flames", Journal of Fluid aa Mechanics, Vol.379, p.165-190,1999. Y. Ju, F. Liu and H. Guo 22."Determination of Burning Velocity and Flammability Limit of aa Methane/Air Mixture Using Counterflow Flames", Japanese Journal of aa Applied Physics, Vol.38, No.2A, p.4190-4196, 1999. Y. Ju, H. Guo, aa K. Maruta and T. Niioka 23."Ignition Characteristics of Plasma Torch for Hydrogen Jet in aa Airstream", Journal of Propulsion and Power, 16: 227-233, 2000. aa K. Takita, T. Uemoto, T. Sato, Y. Ju, G. Masuya and K. Ohwaki 24."Combined Effects of Non-Gray Radiation and Pressure on Premixed aa CH4/O2/CO Flames", Combustion and Flame, 2000, to be published. aa J. Ruan, H. Kobayashi, T. Niioka and Y. Ju 25."Asymptotic Analysis of Radiation Extinction of Stretched Premixed aa Flames", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.43, aa p.231-239 (2000). Y. Ju, G. Masuya, F. Liu, Y. Hattori and aa D. Riechelmann 26."Asymptotic Analysis of Radiative Extinction in Counter-Flow aa Diffusion Flames of Non-Unity Lewis Numbers", Combustion and aa Flame (2000), 121: 275-287, 2000 F. Liu, G.J. Smallwood, O.L. Gulder aa and Y. Ju 27."Nonadiabatic Particle-Laden Premixed Flames", Proc. Combustion aa Institute, Vol.28, 2000 Yiguang Ju and Chung K. Law 28."Radiation Induced Instability of Stretched Premixed Flames", aa Proc.Combustion Institute, Vol.28, 2000 Yiguang Ju, Chung K. Law, aa Kaoru Maruta, Takashi Niioka 29."Microgravity Burner-Generated Spherical Diffusional Flames: aa Experiment and Computation, Combustion and Flame, 2000, accepted. aa Stephen D. Tse, Delin Zhu, Chih-Jen Sung, Yiguang Ju and Chung K. aa Law 30."Flammability limit of Counterflow Hydrogen-Air Premixed Flame", aa Combustion Theory and Modelling, 2000, accepted. H. Guo, Y. Ju aa and T. Niioka For English Version |